The Power of Holistic Healing for the Body, Mind & Spirit


What a time it has been. A pandemic that has completely changed our lives. Think about something as fundamental as our daily routine or our experiences of space. It is all different now. While many can attest that it has been a challenging time full of emotional ups and downs, it has also been beautiful. Despite the difficult moments, this time has been a blessing in disguise. A new era where we’ve begun to look at life from different angles. We’ve begun to value the planet more and all it has to offer.

For those of you who know me, you know that I am a strong advocate for the importance of spirituality and mindfulness. I love being able to share my experiences and how developing a deeper relationship with myself and this earth has shaped my life in ways that are almost unexplainable. You are your universe and all the answers you need throughout your journey are within. I do not have the answers for your life. Your parents do not have the answers. A psychic does not have the answers. Nothing. Because it’s all you. How beautiful.

Mindfulness is simply a state of mind. It is truly an earthly tool, but it can also deepen your own personal spiritual path. It is intentionally observing human experience from a place of calm objectivity, anchored in the present moment. It is constant practice – again, a state of mind. You cannot be mindful one day and think that you are set for life. It is about waking up every morning and making the conscious decision to practice mindfulness. With that in mind, mindfulness can also be used to heal the mind, body, and spirit. Have you thought about what causes depression and anxiety? Constantly thinking about the past and future. That is literally it. Life is so simple, right? However, we overcomplicate it. Human nature dude!

To begin with this process of holistic healing, I simply want to encourage you to focus on the now. I want you to SEE what is around you. See the beauty of nature, all the colors, plants, trees, flowers, the sky, and wildlife. Hear nature. Speak to it. Listen to the sounds of the birds chirping. Smell the fresh air. Feel the wind and the sun on your face. Touch the nature that surrounds you. Be present. How beautiful is it to know that you are a living organism in this ecosystem? I know right! When you discover this, you get the goosebumps each time. That is how magical this is. The sad reality is that most of society does not understand this which is why we need to continue to spread love and advocate mindfulness. We are all human and have the capacity to understand this. You just simply need to open your mind to get there.  

Let us now go back to the pandemic; since we are all isolated with limited to no human interaction, let’s gravitate towards all the wonderful things that have been happening lately. The universe has truly blessed us right now.  Many have come to understand some durable truths about the nature of human consciousness and broader realities. We are beginning to discover the magic that exists within us. My sister always says: this time is a spiritual warfare. All we need is faith and love to survive this pandemic. Spread love. Take care of yourself. Love yourself. Practice yoga. Go on solo hikes. Listen to healing music – electronic or whatever makes you feel good! Let us use this time as a tool for the rest of our lives.


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