Less Stuff Means Less Stress

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Yep, you read that right. Less stuff means less stress. Why is it so hard for us to let go of things we aren’t using? Sure, there are things you want to hold onto like family heirlooms, but most things just sit around collecting dust for no reason. It is time to start decluttering!

Minimalism is The Way

I’m telling you that less stuff means less stress, but how? Why? A lot of people went organization crazy when word got around about Marie Kondo, but minimalism has been on my radar for a while now. What does it mean to be a minimalist? Minimalism is owning fewer possessions. It means no art collections, shoe obsessions, or ravishing amounts of stuff. 

The Benefits of Less Stuff

To me, being a minimalist helps me live more eco-friendly. I’m not collecting a bunch of stuff that is going to sit around in my house, later be thrown away, and pile up in the landfill. For those who know me, you know I’m a huge fashion lover. Fashion isn’t about owning thousands of items but rather a means of self-expression. It’s truly beautiful. Ralph Lauren puts it best. He states, “fashion is not necessarily about labels. It’s not about brands. It’s about something else that comes from within you.” I couldn’t agree more here. If you have to show new clothes all the time, it’s not the same as being someone who has their own clothes, their own fashion and makes a statement about themselves.

Keeping this in mind, I’m not tempted by all of the trends that swear I need the latest and greatest new thing. I’m buying what I need and much much less of what I want. 

Have you thought about how much stress you undergo trying to keep up with the Joneses? You need this and that, and before you know it, you’ve dropped a thousand dollars on things you didn’t really love, but society convinced you that you needed, which is completely unnecessary. You can be just as happy of a person when you have less stuff piling up around you. As another bonus, less stuff means less to clean.

Making the Transition

You’ve got to be interested in jumping on the minimalist train. Once you make the transition, life gets easier. Cleaning out your home is the first hurdle. Start in your closet and pull out clothes you haven’t worn in the last year. If you haven’t worn it in a year, then you’re not going to wear it in the next year. Don’t just keep something around because you’re waiting for that 30-second occasion to wear it. Your closet will more than likely be where you see the biggest amount of change. Especially for women!

After you’ve finished your closet, more on to knick-knacks. You might have some really valuable items just sitting around. For the things you find that have been tucked away in your jewelry box collecting dust, head over to Chapes-JPL. Take a trip over there to sell your diamonds because they are a diamond buyer in Atlanta. They will also buy gold, watches, and other jewelry from you. You might have a good amount of money that has been hiding in all of those necklaces you never wear. 

If you’re still questioning this, then challenge yourself this month by seeing how many different ways you can wear 7 outfits. I’m sure you’ll surprise yourself with how much use you get out of the things you decide to keep around. Less stuff means less stress, let's make that the next trend.

This post has been sponsored by Chapes JPL.


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