Things to Stop Doing Today to Live a Happier Life


Are you looking for ways to improve your life? If you want to live happier, you must get rid of anything that’s holding you back, be it a dead-end job, negative thinking patterns, or a tendency to procrastinate. Letting go of these unfavorable parts of your life will make room for things that contribute to your health and happiness! Wondering where to start? Here are some tips to help you say goodbye to thoughts, behaviors, and emotions that are holding you hostage.

Settling for a Dead-End Job

The work you do every day can have a significant impact on your sense of self-worth. If you feel unfulfilled and stagnant in your career, you’re going to have a hard time cultivating happiness in your life. Look out for signs that you’re in a dead-end job and come up with a plan to move in a new direction.

If you have your eyes on a career change, consider going back to school to earn a degree or diploma that opens up new doors for you. Earning your Masters of Business Administration (MBA), for example, can teach you key skills like communication, leadership, decision making, and management that can help you thrive in a business role. Online degree programs make it easy to study on the side while still earning a living. Just make sure you choose an accredited online school that offers competitive tuition rates!

Neglecting Your Own Needs

Thinking about others is important for supporting and caring for the people we love. However, there is such a thing as being too selfless. Always neglecting your own needs to put others first can be incredibly detrimental to your mental health. People who engage in at least one act of self-care every day tend to be happier and more resilient in the face of life’s stressors. And by taking care of yourself, you’ll be able to maintain the energy and positive mindset you need to enrich the lives of the people around you.

Letting Your Emotions Control You

Do you feel like you’re a slave to your emotions? Tiny Buddha recommends learning how to be aware of your emotions so you can manage them. Try to be aware of the situations that trigger certain emotions and practice choosing how to respond instead of letting your emotions sit in the driver’s seat. This can help you avoid engaging in avoidance behaviors that will only worsen how you feel.

Worrying About What Others Think

Most of us spend far too much time worrying about what other people think about us. Worrying too much about what people think of you can hurt your self-image and your mental health overall. Try making a few mental shifts so you can care a little less about people’s opinions—whether real or perceived. Acknowledge that people will have opinions of you but you always have control over how you feel. Most importantly, don’t try to read people’s minds! 

Procrastinating Important Things

Do you struggle with procrastination? Procrastination is one of the most common forms of self-sabotage. Whatever your reason for procrastinating—anxiety, fear, perfectionism, guilt, or lack of motivation—the five-minute rule can help you tackle some of those looming tasks on your to-do list. It works like this: You pick a task that you need to do and commit to working on it for just five minutes. Once those five minutes are up, you’re free to stop and move on to something else. Chances are, however, you’ll want to stick around and finish the task once you get that momentum going! 

Cutting certain things out of your life can help you live with greater health and happiness. Although it’s not always easy to let go of things, especially actions and thoughts that feel automatic, working towards removing these negative thinking patterns and self-sabotaging behaviors will improve your life in countless ways!


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