Live Happier By Doing What You Love


Discovering who you are and what you like can be a challenge. I am essentially still trying to figure it all out myself - it's truly a constant battle. However, I have learned living happier is a result of doing what you love. I am evidently not an expert, heck I’m only 22, but I will say I have been able to discover the bits and pieces to the meaning of life. One of those pieces is literally doing what you loveee! Since I’m going through an awkward transitional period in my life, (transition from an upcoming college graduate to adulthood) I figured I would share some of the things I have been doing to become more satisfied with my life. 

1.    Stop and think about what makes you happy and do just that.
If you enjoy playing sports, singing or traveling – then do it. It's possible we might have hidden hobbies. By this I mean, we know what we like to do, but we don’t practice it. We tend to get so caught up with everything else in our lives that we put ourselves last. Even if you have endless amounts of schoolwork or work, you must make time to practice the activities you enjoy.  

2.    Make time for those who care about you & make time for you. 
I cannot stress this enough. You are worth a lot, so spend your time with those who care about you and value you most – this could include your family, best friend(s) or significant other.  Let go of people who are negative, gossip and put you down. Surround yourself with people who inspire you to become better. People who genuinely care are the ones worth keeping in your life. 

3.    Reach out to people who inspire you. 
This is broad and can be done in all aspects. If you’re in an awkward transitional stage, just like myself, do your research and reach out to professionals who have more experience. Conducting your own research is a great way to start. Discover people who have the current positions you dream of having in the future. Talk to them. Ask for advice. Learn. 

4.    Don’t Live Unhappily.
If you aren’t happy with the way things are going for you then maybe it’s time to reevaluate and make some changes. 

Doing what you love, and more specifically figuring out what you love isn’t an easy task. It is a process that begins with investing in your time and energy.  


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