Embracing Change and Trusting the Universe


We can agree that our society places value on staying in control and creating a life that is always structured, organized, and planned. However, what if I told you that you don’t have as much control as you think. Too many people are unhappy because they don’t accept the things or circumstances that they cannot change nor have control over. Consequently, this leads to frustration, disappointment, and suffering. So, why even plan when you aren’t in control and the external environment is constantly changing without your consent. Once you accept this reality, you also must recognize that nothing lasts forever, and change is an essential part of life.

While change is vital, the process can be uncomfortable with many ups and downs. Sometimes you wake up and feel like you’re ready to conquer the world and another you start questioning why you even made the decision in the first place. My life has been experiencing a lot of change recently. For a long time, I knew I wasn’t happy with my current situation but had faith that things were going to magically get better, which was never the case. While the universe always has your back, it’s not enough to simply ask. The universe is willing to work with you, but you must be prepared to work with it in return; this involves listening to your intuition and working towards making the necessary changes in your life.

The reason most human beings avoid change is purely because of this concept we refer to as “Fear.” Oftentimes we’re scared to fail and lose what we already have. Living in fear is not how we should live our life. This ruins the purpose of life in the first place. I really do believe that those who are happiest and satisfied with their life are those who let go of fear and step outside of their comfort zone. If your intuition is telling you that something in your life isn’t making you happy nor is fulfilling, this is a sign that you need to make some changes. Each change in your journey is an invitation to try new experiences or take advantage of new opportunities.

Stop waiting for tomorrow. Tomorrow starts today, not tomorrow. What steps are you taking right now to deserve a tomorrow? I want to reiterate the importance of making those necessary changes, knowing the universe will work with you simultaneously. Even if you’re going through a difficult situation in life, know that everything happens for a reason, and nothing is permanent. In the meantime, have faith that things will work out the way they’re supposed to and make the best out of everything that happens to you.


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